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Data Vault Modeling Exercise: Foodbike

Posted 21/1/2020

This exercise has been created for the Data Modeling Meetup Munich (DM3).

It works best with small groups (3 to 5 people). If possible, split your team into multiple groups (2 to 4). Then, you can discuss and compare the results from the different groups afterwards.

By 4028mdk09 [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Case Study

Foodbike is an up-and-coming food delivery service that is present in multiple major cities around the globe.

Using Foodbike’s app or website, you can order dishes from a list of restaurants in your city. A bike courier will pick them up and bring them to your house. When sated, you can rate the delivery and the quality of the food.

Possible Core Business Concepts

  • City
  • Courier
  • Customer
  • Dish
  • Order
  • Rating
  • Restaurant


As a group, create the backbone of a data vault model (hubs and links) for Foodbike on a whiteboard or flipchart. Use the list of possible core business concepts as inspiration for your hubs. Take 10 to 15 minutes.


Possible solution, 2020-01-28 (PNG file) 

First published on Medium, 2018-06-30